
Natural join


join(left: Relation, right: Relation) -> Relation


join(suppliers, shipments)


Computes the relation resuting from joining tuples from left and right whose respective projections on common attributes are equal.

Implementation notes

Alf only support natural join for now. Other kinds of join can generally be computed through longer expressions. For instance, joining on attributes with different names requires some renaming first:

# suppose preferences has type Relation[supplier_id: String, ...]
# suppose we want to join on suppliers.sid == preferences.supplier_id
join(suppliers, rename(preferences, :supplier_id => :sid))

Cross joins can be computed through operands having no attribute in common. For instance, all pairs of supplier and part identifiers can be computed as follows:

pairs = join(project(suppliers, [:sid]), project(parts, [:pid]))

Non equi-joins can be computed through a latter restriction. For instance, the (supplier, part) pairs not located in the same city:

ps = project(rename(parts, :city => :part_city), [:pid, :part_city])
ss = project(rename(suppliers, :city => :supplier_city), [:sid, :supplier_city])
pairs = join(ps, ss)
project(restrict(pairs, neq(:part_city, :supplier_city)), [:sid, :pid])

As obviously demonstrated by the example above, such query is rather cumbersome to write and verbous. Future versions of Alf will come with useful shortcuts and new operators. In the mean time, don't forget that defining your own shortcuts and operators is easy! Don't hesitate to contribute them if of general purpose.

Last, natural join tends to be error prone; in particular, you must take care of common attributes of your design on which you do not want to join (such as latest_change and deleted fields and the like). Renamings and projections are worth having at hand when joining.

Alternatively, shortcuts can be considered. A (advanced) example below:

# The following shortcut joins `left` and `right` on `wish` attributes
# only. Other common attributes are simply projected away from `right`
# before joining.
def join_on(left, right, wish)
  commons = left.attr_list & right.attr_list
  join(left, allbut(right, commons - wish))

# observe here how part names have been discarded to avoid joining them
# with supplier names (empty result guaranteed)
join_on(suppliers, parts, [:city])