Alf in Ruby

This page provides an introduction to using Alf in Ruby programs. Please refer to the available examples, blog posts, and API documentation for further details and advanced use cases. The following sections cover:

  • Querying various data sources using Alf.query
  • Understanding query results and hacking with Relation
  • Towards lazy evaluation and database updates with Relvar
  • More on obtaining data source connections

Connect and query

The easiest way to connect and query a data source using Alf is through Alf.query. For instance, suppose that you have the sap.sqlite3 database file available in the current folder. Then:

require 'alf'
require 'sqlite3'

rel = Alf.query("sap.sqlite3") do
  restrict(suppliers, city: 'London')
puts rel

Your query (inside the block) can be as complex as you like. As of relational algebra's closure property, you can chain relational operators without any restriction.

Alf.query's first argument can also be:

  • A Path or Pathname, or string path to a sqlite file with a .db, .sqlite or .sqlite3 extension, as in the example above.
  • A Path or Pathname instance to a folder containing recognized files

    # Let query .csv/.json/.yaml files in the current folder
    Alf.query(Path.pwd) do
  • A database URL recognized by Sequel:

    Alf.query('postgres://user:password@host/dbname') do
  • A Sequel Database instance.

    db = ::Sequel.connect('postgres://user:password@host/dbname')
    Alf.query(db) do


Alf.query always returns the query result as a Alf::Relation instance. The latter is an in-memory relation, that is, a set of tuples entirely independent from the concrete datasource it comes from.

This Relation has a bunch of useful methods, as demonstrated by the following example:

require 'alf'
require 'sqlite3'

rel = Alf.query("sap.sqlite3") do
  restrict(suppliers, city: 'London')

# info and metadata
rel.size       # number of tuples
rel.empty?     # is it an empty set of tuples?
rel.attr_list  # the list of attribute names as an Alf::AttrList
rel.heading    # information about types as a Alf::Heading

# export methods
rel.to_a       # an array of ruby hashes
rel.to_text    # the ascii table result
rel.to_json    # all tuples, but in json
rel.to_csv     # all tuples, but in csv
rel.to_yaml    # all tuples, but in yaml

# the entire algebra, in postfix, OO syntax

# tuple iteration
rel.each do |supplier|

# tuple extraction (raises unless exactly one tuple)

Alf::Relation implements a pure immutable value, with Alf's relational algebra shipped in an object-oriented style. It consistently implements hash, == and eql?, you can thus use it in hashes, compare relations for equality, and so on. No surprise. BUT. The object-oriented relational algebra implemented by Relation comes at a price: immediate evaluation, no optimization, in-memory implementation. Called on a Relation, a relational operator returns a Relation.

For this reason, working with the Relation class is not always a good choice. For example, it is not recommended when you want to incrementally build complex queries against a data source, if you need to avoid loading all tuples in memory, or if you want to use logical query optimization.


Relvar stands for relation variable. Conceptually, a relvar is a variable whose value is a relation. Thus, it has a location and it can be updated. In addition, we distinguish between two kinds of relvars: base relvars (aka tables) and virtual also called derived variables (aka views).

Alf uses the concept of relvar as a localized, virtual, set of tuples attached to the concrete datasource(s) it comes from. Unlike Relation, Relvar does not keep the tuples in memory and always recomputes them if needed. It does not implement hash, == and eql? with respect to the set of tuples it virtually denotes.

Relvar instances are attached to particular data sources and can only be obtained and used in the context of at least one database connection (see next section). Once obtained, a relvar has an object-oriented API very similar to the one of Relation. A few differences and additional methods though:

require 'alf'
require 'sqlite3'

# See next section about this
Alf.connect("sap.sqlite3") do |conn|

  # Remember that you can no longer use the relvar when the connection
  # has been closed!
  relv = conn.relvar do
    restrict(suppliers, city: 'London')

  # Returns the set of tuples as a Relation

  # the entire algebra, in postfix, OO syntax
  relv.project([:sid])  # returns another relvar, no actual computation

  # update (VERY experimental, use with care, especially on virtual relvars)
  relv.update(updating, predicate)

  # locking (even more experimental)
    # executes the block with a lock on all underlying base relvars


Lower-level connection API

When building more complex software, the use of Alf's facade API is somewhat too limited. The following example shows more about hacking with lower-level Alf::Database and Alf::Database::Connection objects:

require 'alf'
require 'sqlite3'

# Declare configuration once for all (as well as some options not
# covered here).
DB ="sap.sqlite3")

# Connect for querying and obtaining relvars. The connection will be
# automatically closed when the block execution ends. The `conn` object is
# NOT thread-safe. 
DB.connect do |conn|
  rel = conn.query do
    restrict(suppliers, city: 'London')
  puts rel

# Yet another way of obtaining a connection. You MUST ensure that
# you properly disconnect.
  conn = DB.connection
  conn.query do
    restrict(suppliers, city: 'London')
  puts rel
  conn.close if conn